Archive for the ‘Great Outdoors’ Category

Grow veggies, grow!

We finally finished the garden this weekend, and I can’t wait for stuff to start growing! There are one or two spots that I might try to squeeze in something else, but for the most part, everything is in the ground. Here are some pics: I did deviate quite a bit from the original plan [...]

June 13, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Community Garden, Flowers, Great Outdoors, Produce

Storm in Morris County

Sunday, my husband & I were at Rockaway mall when a crazy storm came out of nowhere — knocking out the power in the mall (while I was in a dressing room — luckily emergency lights came on in less than 2 seconds) and flooding the parking lot. Here is a video my husband made. [...]

June 12, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors

Spring has almost completely sprung!

As the days get longer, we are nearing the summer solstice, and spring is almost over! I have a lot of ‘spring’ posts still to write so I should really get crackin! It’s also probable that some of those posts will be slightly outdated with the pretty flowers in the pictures actually laying as puddles [...]

June 11, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Great Outdoors

Fungus is not fun

OK, OK, I learned my lesson with summer squash. You DO NOT have to plant it early. It sprouts enough within about 2-3 weeks from seed and you transplant it right away into the ground. I planted too early, and had to watch my plants suffer a painful death. The zucchini that was doing great [...]

June 10, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors, Produce

Rain Rain Go Away

I’ve had a few negative posts recently, and I thought maybe it was my typical pessimistic attitude showing its ugly head. However, this time, I realized, it’s not my fault! I blame the weather. Look at this terrible forecast: I know rain is good, but I think we’ve had enough for a few days and [...]

June 5, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors

Wah. Weeds, why must you grow so well?

Yup, that’s a whine. The weeds are getting out of control (at the garden, at the house, everywhere), and unfortunately, I can’t do anything about them just yet due to restrictions from the doc. Maybe in another 2 weeks. At least my husband promised to tackle the entire property with me once I’m feeling better, [...]

June 3, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors

Aphids be gone…

The aphid problem seems to have been resolved! Sort of. I sprayed with a Dawn/H2O mix, but really, there was already a reduction in gross bugs before I even sprayed. I’m not sure if the rain a few days before was heavy enough to wash most of them away? It still looks like there are [...]

June 2, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors

Know Your Enemy: Deer

Growing up in the suburbs of Middlesex County, I only came across deer occasionally while venturing out to the more rural parts of NJ, and, back then, they were exciting to see. Now, as a resident of the more rural parts of NJ, I see them near daily, and they’ve caused so much destruction and [...]

May 27, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Gardening Supplies, Great Outdoors


ugh. I caught the plant lice, otherwise known as Aphids. I added some petunia seedlings to a hanging basket in the front yard. They were doing well, until this week, when I noticed (well, my husband noticed, and alerted me) that there were little green bugs on the leaves. These little jerks are HIGHLY destructive, [...]

May 14, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors


Another reason why I was always wear garden gloves… And this isn’t even the worst of them. At least he doesn’t bite or sting!

April 22, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors