Archive for the ‘Indoor Garden’ Category

Gardening in the shower??

Ok, ok… it’s been awhile. So many updates, so little time. Instead, I’m just going to highlight this awesome (but a little crazy?) idea that got me super excited to garden this year, despite all the snow that is still around. A  MOSS SHOWER MAT! Not my idea, of course… I f*ing love science highlighted [...]

February 18, 2014 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Garden Humor, Indoor Garden


Did you ever have a Chia pet? I did. Well, I had a Chia Tree. I thought it was stupid to grow something with green fur that wasn’t green in real life (I wasn’t the most imaginative of children). I remember having trouble keeping it completely full with water all the time, so while most [...]

April 10, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Indoor Garden, Produce

Book Worm

My mom pulled this brand new book out this weekend to look up something we were talking about. After learning she actually had it for 5 years, and barely looked at it, when she asked if I wanted it, I responded with an enthusiastic, “YES!” SWEET! Looking forward to do a bit of light reading this [...]

March 23, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Herbs, Indoor Garden, Produce

Plant that seed!

I found this great website that sells every seed imaginable. After being limited to the Home Depot selection, this seemed like a dream come true. After I had about 20 different seeds in the shopping cart, I realized I had a problem.  This blog has been feeding a growing obsession that I haven’t figured [...]

March 16, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Herbs, Indoor Garden, Produce

Aloe Plant

While its still cold outside and not much outdoor gardening going on yet, I’m going to share some of my indoor plants. (for the record, its supposed to be in the 60′s the next 2 days in NJ, YAY!) I have been wanting an aloe plant for awhile, and while visiting one of my bffs [...]

March 6, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Indoor Garden