
I like to grow stuff. I started out with an indoor herb garden of basil and thyme, and quickly figured out that fresh herbs are awesome. I wanted to grow more, but apartment living really didn’t support much else. My husband and I moved into a house (our first) in fall of 2009, and I couldn’t wait to plant my garden of fresh herbs in the spring.

I was able to plant my yummy herb garden in the spring with chives (my favorite!), basil, thyme, oregano, and parsley. Little did I know that my herb garden was just the beginning!  Turns out, our yard has lots of unique features and pretty stuff blooming all spring and summer. Plus, my husband and I signed up for a plot at our community garden to grow some vegetables.

Gardening has since become a nice little hobby that both my husband and I enjoy doing together, but we are still learning.  This year, gardening has become an obsession (hence, the start of this blog), but I’m hoping it will bloom into a passion (haha, look at that, my first pun!) and really improve my growing abilities.

I’m by no means an expert yet, but I started this blog to share ideas as I figure out how to grow more awesome stuff. I don’t intend to keep this blog limited to specifically gardening and herbs and want to be a bit flexible – anything having to do with plants, landscaping, nature, flowers, is fair game.

Thanks for reading.


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