Fresh Herbs

I really do love fresh herbs — I love smelling them, I love cooking with them, and I love that once it gets warm out, I have them at my disposal! All of these I have had at some point or at least attempted in my garden.

Basil, Lemon “Mrs. Burns” I bought this as a plant from Condurso’s. Wow, does it smell & taste delicious! I already added it to some pearl couscous with butter and thyme, and mmmm mmm, it was phenomenal.
Basil, Lime I bought this at Condurso’s, too. It smells divine, but its not growing well in my container unfortunately. I am keeping an eye on it, and hope it recovers enough so I can actually harvest some leaves!
Basil, Regular Ah, sweet basil with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes is probably one of the best combinations on earth. I usually grow this in abundance every summer, and it does not go to waste!
Chamomile, German I bought this for my German Omi for Mother’s Day, but it turns out the one I bought her last year must have gone to seed and was already growing in abundance. She told me to keep it for my garden! It its growing great, but so far, no flowers. (She would also tell you to make tea with the flowers — it’s good for your tummy!)
Chives, Garlic This is a new herb I grew from seed this year. The blades seem to be slightly thinner than regular chives, but I’m waiting for it to get a bit more harty before I harvest some.
Chives, Standard I have grown chives (from seeds) since the first year in the house, and this is the herb I use most often, because you can really add chives to almost anything. My favorite is in chicken salad with a little bit of mayo, cracked pepper and some chicken. This year, I actually started a new, larger pot full of chives from seed, and they are doing great.
Curry Plant (Dwarf)
Lemon Verbena

I tried to grow this from seed, and didn’t have much luck. There is still enough time to try again.


Mint, Apple The smell of apple mint is great – I get to experience it often, because I’m always ripping it out of my flower beds!В  I really need to try to make mojitoes with this variety at some point.
Herb of the Week – June 8, 2012


Mint, Orange
Mint, Spearmint Herb of the Week – May 15, 2012
Oregano Herb of the Week – June 1, 2012
Parsely, Curly
Parsely, Flat Leaf
Sage Herb of the Week – May 25, 2012
Savory, Summer Herb of the Week – May 18, 2012
Savory, Winter Herb of the Week – May 18, 2012

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