Weed identifier… thank you Pinterest

A few posts back I mentioned Pinterest. I resisted for awhile, but now, I can’t get enough, and there is an entire section just dedicated to gardening. I was perusing and found a ‘Top 30 Weed Identifier’ – WOW! I have seen just about all of them at the garden this summer! There is one, [...]

September 12, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Community Garden

Wah. Weeds, why must you grow so well?

Yup, that’s a whine. The weeds are getting out of control (at the garden, at the house, everywhere), and unfortunately, I can’t do anything about them just yet due to restrictions from the doc. Maybe in another 2 weeks. At least my husband promised to tackle the entire property with me once I’m feeling better, [...]

June 3, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Great Outdoors