Rain Rain Go Away
I’ve had a few negative posts recently, and I thought maybe it was my typical pessimistic attitude showing its ugly head. However, this time, I realized, it’s not my fault! I blame the weather.
Look at this terrible forecast:
I know rain is good, but I think we’ve had enough for a few days and the plants desperately need a good sunny day. I have not once had to go to the garden to water since getting the plants in the ground. This is not your typical June weather for NJ. It has rained just about every day for the past 2 or 3 weeks (we did at least have some days with a decent amount of sun before it poured), and the threat of drought that was looming at the beginning of spring is long gone. We haven’t even been able to finish the rest of our garden plot because the ground is too wet to till the remaining section! I need to get the rest of my plants in ASAP!
I guess the only (not garden related) silver lining is that we haven’t had to run our AC for more than 2 days, so we will get another month of a low(ish) electric bill. Hopefully the weather will clear up sooner than Friday, and I’ll get back into more smiley and sunny posts.
June 5, 2012
Sheryl ·
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Tags: Outdoors · Posted in: Great Outdoors
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