
I just wanted to take a minute and say that I’m so excited for fall, and I’m hoping we have a good winter this year, too. Although I enjoyed the early start this year getting my garden on late Feb/early March, I didn’t know what it would cost me. The bugs this year were out [...]

August 29, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Bugs, Flowers, Great Outdoors

Morning Glory!

I tried planting some Morning Glory in my hanging basket with some German Chamomile. The German Chamomile didn’t do so hot in the hanging basket, but the Morning Glory climbed up the hanger and along the Shepherd’s hook that holds it. I really like the Morning Glory a lot, but this one only seems to bloom about [...]

August 23, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers

Zinnias, Hooray!

The zinnias have been doing amazing in the garden… and they are so bright and beautiful I love cutting them for my table. I only planted 4 plants (granted, a few seeds per ‘spot’), so I wasn’t expecting that many flowers, but I have plenty! I’m definitely growing these every year from now on. Only [...]

August 22, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Bugs, Community Garden, Flowers

Busy as a bee…

OK, I’m so far behind on my herb of the week and lacking for posts in general, it’s just pathetic. Between the business trip to Germany, work, vacation to Vermont, (mini) vacation to Ocean City, NJ / Atlantic City, turning 30 (Holy crap! still not ready to accept it!) surrounded by my loved ones, cleaning [...]

August 21, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Great Outdoors, Life, Produce

Truly Mammoth Sunflowers!

Ah! Almost a week between posts and I missed the herb of the week this week. I will have to make up for it this Friday! Anyway, so much has been going on in the garden (no thanks to me, thank Mother Nature!), so I needed to post. I showed a few weeks ago that [...]

July 22, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Community Garden, Flowers, Produce

Cut & Come Back Zinnias

Over the past few years, my love for fresh cut flowers in a vase on the table has grown, but I still cannot bring myself to spend tons of money on flower arrangements. In fact, on special occasions when flowers are called for, my husband knows that if he spends more than $20 (and that’s [...]

July 17, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Community Garden, Flowers

Tomatoes, and Sunflowers, and Beans, Oh My

My wonderful husband has been tending to the garden in my absence (just so we are clear, he does tend even if I am in the country), and he sent me some pics from the garden yesterday. It looks fabulous. Can’t wait to check it out when I get back!

July 11, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Community Garden, Flowers, Produce

Mystery Flower

Ok, 3 years in, and our yard is still full of surprises. This year, we noticed sword shaped leaves popping up in an arc pattern that neither me or my husband remember from previous years. We let it go, partly out of laziness, partly out of curiosity, and I’m sure glad we did. Look what popped [...]

July 9, 2012 · Sheryl · One Comment
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers

German Chamomile

By the time this posts, I should be in Germany enjoying some delicious bread and wurst for lunch. I’ll be there this week for work. I think it is now appropriate to share that my German Chamomile has flowers! Sehr schön.    

July 8, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Herbs


I LOVE my hydrangea! Luckily, the accidental pruning doesn’t seemed to have hurt it one bit! Mine are such a pretty blue, right?!

July 3, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers