Herb of the Week – Spearmint
I decided to start another blog series — herb of the week. It really seems like the fresh herbs are what I flock to when I get overwhelmed with the maintenance of some of the other plants. Â They are easy to identify, (usually) easy to grow, plus, they smell really good.
In the garden, I have spearmint (also known as Sweet Mint) growing in the side yard of the house in partial sun. Spearmint leaves are smooth & bright green. The previous owners planted it right in the ground, and it grows inside the spaces near a rock wall. It seriously does grow like a weed, and spreads very easily with its roots under ground. Luckily, its in a fairly isolated area, so I don’t mind. It’s a nice ornamental piece against the rocks. However, if you don’t want spearmint to get EVERYWHERE, keep it in a pot by itself!
Spearmint grows really well in the area of NJ that I live in, and is actually a deterrent for pests, and deer do not eat it, so its good to have around. Plus, anytime you want a mojito, all you need to do is go outside, grab a handful of mint — add rum, lime juice and a little sugar, and you have yourself a cocktail! YUM!
May 11, 2012
Sheryl ·
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Tags: Herbs · Posted in: Herbs
One Response
Herb This » Happy 4th of July! - July 4, 2012
[...] heading to a bbq, and bringing mojitos made with the mint I’ve been yapping about so much, here and here (and also Orange Mint, which I plan to feature soon). I hope they are [...]
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