Fungus is not fun

OK, OK, I learned my lesson with summer squash. You DO NOT have to plant it early. It sprouts enough within about 2-3 weeks from seed and you transplant it right away into the ground. I planted too early, and had to watch my plants suffer a painful death.

The zucchini that was doing great in the pot a few weeks ago ended up catching an orange fungus — GROSS. I think it was probably a combination of all the rain/moisture we’ve had and potential damage during the transplant of a larger plant, that cause a weakness and allowed for the fungus to settle.

Zucchini with a bit of fungus

Sorry for the bad picture (I am realizing lately just how terrible of a photographer I am… I am actually thinking now that maybe an adult school class would probably do me a world of good, we’ll see), but you can see the bit of orange at the end which is fungus. This is actually the better of the two zucchinis, and I didn’t actually get a pic of the REALLY gross one. It looks like it’s contained to the fruit, so hopefully the rest of the plant will be OK. It looks like there are several flowers that will produce fruits on both the zucchini plants, so I hope to find out soon.

Good news though, the Largos I guess were small enough not to have been damaged in the transplant, and there are quite a few small ones that will hopefully be ready in a week or so.. or maybe I should stop saying that, because every time I’ve said how ‘good’ the squash is, shit happens. Oh well, here is a pic anyway.

June 10, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Great Outdoors, Produce

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