
ugh. I caught the plant lice, otherwise known as Aphids. I added some petunia seedlings to a hanging basket in the front yard. They were doing well, until this week, when I noticed (well, my husband noticed, and alerted me) that there were little green bugs on the leaves.

These little jerks are HIGHLY destructive, and need to be dealt with immediately. A quick search online seems to indicate an easy way to get rid of them is with some original DAWN (not anti-bacterial). I am going to have to go to the store to get some ASAP (I only have anti-bacterial) and take care of this. I will have to give an update later this week to see how successful I was in the extermination.

So far, I’ve only seen them on the petunias, so hopefully they won’t migrate to any of the veggies. Mint and garlic are listed as deterrents, so I will make some mint or garlic “juice” to spray on & around the rest of the plants. I do not need a full blown aphid infestation! This is the anti-fun part of gardening.

May 14, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
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