Baby Pumpkin!

Last year (our first year on the plot we have now in the community garden), we got a surprise pumpkin that grew along the fence. We knew SOMETHING was growing, but we didn’t know what. It grew up the fence, and we got an elongated pumpkin out of it! We dried and vacuum packed some seeds from it, and also dried and vacuum packed some seeds from a small (normal, round) pumpkin we picked up from our local farmers market.

We decided to try growing both of them this year from the seeds, as you can see in the top right corner of the Garden Map. I planted and labeled each one in its own terracotta pot earlier this season, but failed to realize that the marker I used would fade in the sun. Now, both plants look exactly the same, and right now, we can’t tell them apart.

Today, we noticed one of them already has a baby pumpkin on it! Look how cute!

Of course, we don’t know which pumpkin it is! We are not sure if the elongated pumpkin was a different type of pumpkin or if it a ‘normal’ pumpkin and just grew that way because we let the vines climb the fence. I am hoping we will get to find out soon enough! (For the record, this year they should have enough room where they should not need to climb a fence)


July 2, 2012 В· Sheryl В· 2 Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Community Garden, Produce

2 Responses

  1. Tom - July 10, 2012

    I forgot to take a picture, but I noticed that this pumpkin is bigger than a softball today.

  2. Herb This » Pumpkin fail - August 26, 2012

    [...] a few posts ago about the cucumber plants dying, I realized the EXACT same thing happened to our pumpkin, only we originally thought we stepped on it by accident or something.В It was growing really well, [...]

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