Mystery Flower

Ok, 3 years in, and our yard is still full of surprises.

This year, we noticed sword shaped leaves popping up in an arc pattern that neither me or my husband remember from previous years. We let it go, partly out of laziness, partly out of curiosity, and I’m sure glad we did.

Look what popped up! A gorgeous yellow flower that I have no clue of its identity!

We would have DEFINITELY noticed this flower before!

Can bulbs go dormant? Has the unusually warm year brought this gorgeous flower back to life? Is it really some mutant weed that looks amazing? Did a squirrel steal this from someone else’s garden and plant it in ours? What is this mystery flower? I must find out!

July 9, 2012 · Sheryl · One Comment
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers

One Response

  1. Tom - July 12, 2012

    I saw a house with a large assortment of these on Second Ave in town. Maybe you can send them a postcard and ask.

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