Archive for the ‘Gardening Supplies’ Category

Farmers Almanac – Who knew?

My grandfather, “Opa”, loved getting the farmer’s almanac every year for his b-day. Turns out, there is actually some very useful info in it, and it’s available online! For instance… you can put in your city / state here and it will give you the dates when you should sprout/plant common garden vegetables based on your [...]

February 20, 2014 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Community Garden, Gardening Supplies, Produce

June Garden Humor

My trowel has become one of my most useful garden tools…therefore: New gardeners learn by by trowel and error. SO TRUE! Holy crap, it’s July tomorrow! Where has the time gone?

June 30, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Garden Humor, Gardening Supplies

Tilling Complete!

Finally! It stopped raining long enough this week for my husband to finish the tilling in the garden plot so we can get the rest of the plants in. He worked super hard, and it looks great. This weekend we should be able to finally finish all the planting. Below is a pic showing the [...]

June 9, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Community Garden, Gardening Supplies, Produce

Know Your Enemy: Deer

Growing up in the suburbs of Middlesex County, I only came across deer occasionally while venturing out to the more rural parts of NJ, and, back then, they were exciting to see. Now, as a resident of the more rural parts of NJ, I see them near daily, and they’ve caused so much destruction and [...]

May 27, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Gardening Supplies, Great Outdoors

I’m in love… with Condursos Garden Center

I’ve been missing me some gardening! My posts have been scarce lately, due to some other commitments, mostly my job (seriously, can I please just win the lottery already?), but some fun stuff, too, thankfully! Every day to & from work, I pass Condursos Garden Center. I don’t always get out from work early enough (they close [...]

May 1, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Gardening Supplies, Herbs, Produce

Transplantation Station

I took advantage of the amazing weather this weekend, and did some transplanting. The two Sure Thing squashes were moved (they really should have been done last weekend, but I didn’t get to it – their roots floweth over), 6 Roma tomato plants were moved, and one of the basil plants. They are all doing [...]

March 13, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Gardening Supplies


I’ll let you in on a little secret, I don’t actually like to touch dirt. I know, I know, I’m writing about gardening and I don’t like touching dirt. Of course, sometimes its inevitable, but I like to avoid when possible. The way to do that: Garden Gloves!   These are so adorable! Only $1 [...]

March 2, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Gardening Supplies