Aphids be gone…

The aphid problem seems to have been resolved! Sort of. I sprayed with a Dawn/H2O mix, but really, there was already a reduction in gross bugs before I even sprayed. I’m not sure if the rain a few days before was heavy enough to wash most of them away? It still looks like there are a few left, and I’m going to spray again, but the petunias are thriving anyway (see image below), and they don’t seem to be doing as much damage as I thought they would. The basket finally looks like flowers instead of just green cabbage or something.

Also, I know we have lady bugs around, which are deadly to aphids, so maybe they enjoyed a nice aphid meal, and are helping me out? As of now, they don’t seem to have moved anywhere else, thank goodness!

June 2, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Great Outdoors

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