Community Garden – Lessons Learned Y1 (2010)

While I continue to track down the pictures from Year 2 community garden, and it hangs in my draft posts, I wanted to share my lessons learned from the first year that I posted on Facebook in 2010. Since not everyone I know is on Facebook, and the Notes section is not well advertised on my wall for those who are friends with me, I am re-using, word for word, so that it can be read it context of a first time gardener.

Posted Sept. 4, 2010:

  1. Things will die if you don’t water them. 
  2. Zucchini & Yellow squash plants are really small when you get them, but grow up to be huge. Give them plenty of space.
  3. Sowing carrot seeds really do require thinning them, otherwise your carrots turn out mutant like / stunted
  4. Cucumbers get this thing called “blite” that is really gross, and can spread to other plants – need to figure out how to prevent this
  5. Tomato plants grow up to be pretty tall — invest money in the tallest cages
  6. Onions & Garlic are kinda hard to grow — need to figure out what went wrong, perhaps it was the soil, or the failure to keep weeds at bay
  7. Miracle Grow really does work miracles — we should have started that from the beginning
  8. Deer will eat anything that won’t kill them that they can get to — invest in taller fences
  9. Leave enough space between yours and your neighbors plot; if their weeds grow over, they won’t strangle your plants.
  10. You have to keep replanting dill to have a continuous supply
  11. Weed block works really well — need to figure out how to utilize that more.

Overall success with tomatoes, zucchini, string beans, yellow squash, peppers (jalepeno & yellow bells), basil, thyme & oregano

Going to try to do better – onions, garlic, brussel sprouts, strawberries, mesclun, regular cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, and carrots 


March 15, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
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