Transplantation Station

I took advantage of the amazing weather this weekend, and did some transplanting. The two Sure Thing squashes were moved (they really should have been done last weekend, but I didn’t get to it – their roots floweth over), 6 Roma tomato plants were moved, and one of the basil plants. They are all doing OK after the transplant. The marigolds, petunias, rosemary, and the rest of the basil can afford to get a little bit bigger.



I also planted 2 new container of chives (1 garlic chive, 1 regular chive) because they are just so darn delicious, and I don’t think you can ever have enough. Also, I started 4 mammoth sunflowers directly in the terracotta pots, because they grow quick. I might get a few started in a few weeks, because I’m hoping to stagger them a bit.



I kept all of them outside on Saturday to soak up some sun, but now they are staying in the warm and sunny porch till threat of frost passes.

March 13, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Posted in: Gardening Supplies

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