Herb of the Week – Apple Mint

I took me awhile to actually figure out what kind of mint this was. It was pretty easy to identify the ‘mint’ part because it smelled so good, plus, the mint symmetry is pretty distinct. The thing that threw me off was the fuzzy leaves.

Turns out, the fuzzy leaves are one of the key identifies for Apple Mint. The mint flavor is definitely dominant, but there is an additional subtle sweetness here. I actually originally thought this was spearmint and the spearmint was peppermint, because the additional sweetness was so obvious.

Apple mint seems to be just at hardy as its cousin spearmint — growing right in the middle of the rocks, not getting eaten by animals, and spreading its roots like wildfire.В 

Apple Mint behind the Barrel
Apple Mint behind the barrel in the garden

June 8, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
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