Herb of the Week – Sage

I shared a pic of the flowering Sage last week, but I really think its just gorgeous and rustic when its flowering. Here is another:

Regular Sage, or Salvia, is actually in the mint family. It is a perennial herb that I started from seed last year, and it has just grown fabulously on my back deck. With such a mild NJ winter, there was only about a month or two we couldn’t harvest from the plant. If it wasn’t such a mild winter, you shouldn’t have to trim it back either. I will have to test this one out after next winter (and if you do cut it back, only to shape, and in the spring!)

The only problem with sage is that most of the things I love to eat it with will tend to be wintery foods like turkey stuffing or pasta (with butter), but prosciutto, feta & a sage leaf wrapped up and drizzled with olive oil is a great little fancy appetizer I made once on a whim. Really, really yummy.

May 25, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Herbs

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