Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m very lucky to have in my life lots of women who deserve to be celebrated today. I have a wonderful Mother, Mother-in-Law, Omi (grandmother), Grandma, and Godmother. Plus, I have lots of family and friends who are great Moms, too.

I thought today I’d share a pic of my mother’s favorite flower, Lily of the Valley.

They represent such innocence with their white bell shape and sweet flowery scent. One of the best surprises during our first year at the house was seeing a huge patch of these pop up in our backyard under the tree outside our bedroom. If the wind catches it when these are at their peak, you can catch a whiff of the sweet lily of the valley smell.

In NJ, these bloom right around Mother’s Day, so I think it’s definitely an appropriate flower! Happy Mother’s Day!

May 13, 2012 В· Sheryl В· One Comment
Tags:  В· Posted in: Flowers

One Response

  1. Mom - May 13, 2012

    Awww….. You’re so sweet. I have the best daughter’s.

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