I’ve got the blues…

Oh my. I’ve got the blues because I haven’t been blogging enough. I need to get my act together, otherwise, before you know it, May (peak spring flower season) will have came and went.

But actually, I quite literally have the blues… Blue Ajuga that is!В This lovely ground cover is all over my garden and in full bloom.

If you’ve spent about 5 minutes with me, you’d probably figure out quickly, blue is my absolute favorite color, so I love that the previous owners of the house decided to plant some!

Close up…

Between the poorly groomed azaleas (next post!)…

In the rocks among the ferns (didn’t get to that section of the garden for clean up, please excuse mess)…


May 8, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Flowers

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