I’m in love… with Condursos Garden Center

I’ve been missing me some gardening! My posts have been scarce lately, due to some other commitments, mostly my job (seriously, can I please just win the lottery already?), but some fun stuff, too, thankfully!

Every day to & from work, I pass Condursos Garden Center. I don’t always get out from work early enough (they close at 6pm), plus, it didn’t really look THAT impressive from the road, driving past at 40+mph. A few weeks ago, I found a coupon for the Garden Center, and figured I at least had to check it out at some point.

Well, yesterday, I actually got out ‘early’, aka 5pm, and was able to stop in on my way home. WOW — it’s my new favorite place. There are rows and rows of beautiful flowers. Reasonably priced veggies are starting to fill the tables (they will be getting more as we approach final frost date in NJ). Plus, they had lots of (my favorite) interesting herbs!  (Are you surprised that is what I took pictures of?)

Of course, I forgot my coupon at home (typical), and actually maintained enough willpower not to buy anything.

I found 3 more kinds of mint — Apple, Ginger, and Corsican! I already discovered Orange and Chocolate mint here earlier this year. I’m fascinated by all the varieties of mint, and their subtle differences, but I’m actually not a huge fan of mint to cook with at this moment. Although they are nice to smell in passing (and really delicious in mojitos), I probably won’t be expanding my collection anytime soon. I currently have Orange, Spearmint, and a fuzzy kind that I’m still having trouble identifying.

What I am super excited about (and will be returning to Condursos for) is Basil ‘Lime’. It smelled ridiculously delicious and refreshing. Unfortunately, like its cousin, regular basil, its an annual plant and doesn’t like frost. For this year, I’ll spend the money on a single plant, and if I really like it that much, next year I’ll just buy some seeds so I can grow as much as I want.

Can’t wait to go back, coupon in hand!

May 1, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
Tags: , ,  Â· Posted in: Flowers, Gardening Supplies, Herbs, Produce

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