Early Spring Blooms
So you already know that the daffodils have arrived, but what, do you ask, are the other early spring blooms in my garden?
The pristine primrose — seriously, they look fake, right?
Pretty purple flowers from the ground cover that I’m still working on finding the name for (please ignore the leaves, this was taken pre-spring clean up)
Flowering Forsythia
And newest addition – Mini Daffodils of my very own!
Now I need to find a good spot to plant them!
I’ve also been falling in love with the the trees around town: flowering dogwoods and red maple trees, and an interesting, almost sprawling tree that has gorgeous pink flowers. After a quick search, the really cool one I think is a crabapple tree. I’m not a fan of having fruit trees in the yard because my dog will eat them and get sick. However, I learned there are hybrids available that don’t produce fruit. I’m considering either a hybrid crabapple or red maple to replace one of our old, dying trees in our front yard. I’ll continue to research and maybe next year we’ll get to it.
March 30, 2012
Sheryl В·
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Tags: Flowers, Spring В· Posted in: Flowers
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