Accidental Pruning: Hydrangea

My husband was cleaning up the yard the other day, and thought he’d help out with some of the gardening tasks. He accidentally pruned back my hydrangea thinking they were peonies. In case anyone is interested, peonies do not get pruned in the spring either, they get cut down to the ground in the fall. Thankfully, he didn’t actually cut the hydrangea to the ground.

I read last year that you really shouldn’t prune hydrangea — so I’m a little worried! Full disclosure: I was pretty mad at first, but I know he was only trying to help. I especially LOVE my hydrangea because they are actually very blue (there is good aluminum in our soil apparently).

I will post an update when it flowers — there are still buds left, so hopefully it will be OK!

Hydrangea after pruning

The Aftermath...

March 27, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
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