Herb of the Week – Double Feature – Regular & Garlic Chives!

Trying to get back in the swing of things, I wanted to try to cover some lost ground with my herbs of the week and try a double feature. Ok, so they are both technically chives, but they are definitely each worth a look!

I LOVE chives! I’m actually surprised I went this long without featuring them. Chives seriously spruce up just about any savory dish; adding them to salads is awesome (my favorite is chicken or tuna salad for a little oniony zing), and we can’t forget about chive cream cheese.

I’ve had regular chives since we had the house. These chives actually started out in one of the long containers with fellow perennials thyme and oregano. I pretty much just dumped the entire packet of seeds in the 1/3 section and left it. The next year, the chives came back, but the other two herbs didn’t, so I tried to transplant the chives section into the container shown below, and dumped another packet of seeds around it to fill in.

That seemed OK for last year, and we got a decent amount of chives, but this year, when the chives came back, they were really suffering. I was very much looking forward to some flowers to try in a salad, but we only got two (both kinda dinky), and didn’t really look very appetizing.

I had already decided that I needed more chives, so I started a new container. And then I saw Garlic Chives, and had to try them, too. Both are doing fabulous in their larger containers (the regular chives look a little overwatered, but in general, still pretty healthy). В Garlic chives are a little flatter (more like grass) and the regular chives are definitely like little tubes.

Garlic Chives

Regular Chives

Unfortunately, I’ve discovered that I’m not really a huge fan of eating garlic chives (kinda grassy to me). I haven’t totally given up, maybe there is a recipe out there where they are perfect. I just haven’t found it yet! Oh well, I have plenty of chives now regardless!

August 24, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Herbs

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