Herb of the Week – Lemon Verbena

I wanted to continue the citrus trend from last week’s post. Lemon Verbena is a cool herb I read about that I came across during one of the flower searches earlier this year. I ended up getting it for free with a coupon (SWEET!). It is really not a super well known herb, but it smells yummy. There is definitely a distinct lemon scent, but it is different from the lemon basil, in that the lemon basil triggers savory receptors in my brain, while the lemon verbena triggers the sweeter side and makes me think dessert. Lemon verbena can actually be used anywhere that would call for the zest of a lemon only (i.e. not the juice).

Even though I love the smell, I really haven’t tried to make anything with my lemon verbena. Making lemon sorbet is one of the suggested uses on wiki.

It is technically a perennial, but only in warm climates. I’m fully expecting to lose it over the winter, but maybe it will survive if we have another winter like this past one!

July 13, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Herbs

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