Ok, maybe I should have named this site squashthis?

I’ve had so many posts about squash, it may be getting a bit out of control, but I love them. They are finally starting to look like the NJ squash I’ve come to know and love. Also, for those of you paying attention to detail (it’s OK if you missed this), I actually made a mistake in my garden map: I DID plant a golden squash! I only had 1 Largo that I planted though, not two (still 5 total squash plants). So, I do have all 4 types of the summer squash going strong in the garden. Even though some of them were looking a bit weak in the pots prior to the transplant, once they got into the ground and got some sunlight, they recovered in no time. That fungus issue seems to have been resolved after I cut off the infected fruits. All of them now have yummy (healthy) squash growing on them. It should only be a few more days until the first few are ready to harvest!

Here they are:

Sure Thing Zucchini






Golden Squash













June 21, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Community Garden, Produce

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