
The gaillardia aristata is a really bright summery flower that we have in our front yard. This was another cool surprise our first year in the house, especially because I really thought the early plant was just a bunch of weeds. I’m really glad I didn’t pull them because the first flower popped up (it’s actually the picture that is at the top in the herbthis banner) in the late spring, and it continued to bloom well into the summer.

This year is no different and we already have several bloomed flowers in the bunch. You can even see the baby flowers that will be coming soon (I guess they are technically buds, but ‘baby flowers’ is cuter).

If you look at them, its really not too much of a surprise that these perennial flowers are in the sunflower family.


May 19, 2012 В· Sheryl В· No Comments
Tags:  В· Posted in: Flowers

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