Almost spring…

I thought March 1st was appropriate to share my first post with the world – or more likely, my nearest and dearest.  March is the month that holds the Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), and when we start to find that perfect weather balance – not too cold, not too hot – while winter still tries to intimidate us with the chance of a major snow storm to foil our plans!


Daffodils sprouting

Chives coming back

Chives coming back

Rhododendron Bud

Rhododendron budding

Take that, Winter!  I’m not scared of you. SPRING IS COMIN’!



March 1, 2012 · Sheryl · 3 Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: Flowers

3 Responses

  1. Rachel - March 2, 2012

    Too cool! We have crocuses… I am so happy. :)

  2. Sheryl - March 2, 2012

    Thanks Rach! Crocuses are so pretty, that gave me an idea for another page. See the “Garden Elite”.

  3. Lisa - March 3, 2012

    Hey chicky, I think this site is great…I can’t wait to read about more of your ideas xoxo

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