Introducing the Community Garden – Year 1 (2010)

The town we live in has a community garden area next to the library, where residents can pay $6 to ‘rent’ a plot of land for the season to grow stuff. It’s an awesome deal. It’s prime growing real-estate — the plots are located right next to the Rockaway River, so there are pumps set up to bring water to sections of the garden, no more than 20 ft from any given plot. It only had a few surrounding trees, so most of the plots get full sun.

We found out about it the first year we lived in the house, and since our yard doesn’t have a lot of good sunny spots that would allow a fenced in garden area, my husband and I decided to sign up. We found out that new gardeners are only allowed 1/2 a plot, frankly, because most new comers give up the first year. We were kind disappointed at first, but quickly realized there was valid concern as our 1/2 plot neighbors disappeared one by one and their plots became overgrown and unkempt as the growing season progressed. It’s OK, it was a decent plot of land (about 8′x15′) for our first year, and allowed us to get “our grow” on. Pics below — Sorry, I can’t seem to locate any pics later in the season. We didn’t put too much effort into updating the fence that was already there, because we were hoping to get a full plot the next year.



We proved ourselves! Success with tomatoes, peppers, string beans, zucchini, and summer squash. But… our brussels sprouts were eaten, carrots came out deformed, cucumbers caught a fungus (gross), and onions and garlic were stunted. Not too bad for a first try though!

Stay tuned for year 2.


March 8, 2012 · Sheryl · No Comments
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